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Euro-style Handling for CPE Courses:  
A Mini-workshop 

with Diane Gibbons

Thursday June 30th 5:30-7 p.m.
Limited to 6 teams

While there are many new kinds of amazing handling moves that have been developed in the past few years, not all of them are useful on CPE courses which is a very popular venue in this part of New England.   We will spend some time actually training and practicing two to three of the most practical ones, then working with them in short sequences.  

This workshop is for teams that are just starting to learn Euro-style handling.  Dogs should be trialing at least at level 2 in CPE, or performing at that level.  This isn't a workshop about obstacles but about handling, so dogs need not be proficient on weaves or teeter. Also this is a workshop for dogs that can remain focused and able to work with some distractions in the environment, though only one dog will be out on the floor at any time.  There will be times we are working without dogs, and at these times dogs should be able to rest quietly in crates or in cars.  

Diane Gibbons has been involved the sport of dog agility for 16 years and is an agility and trick dog instructor.    She teaches agility at the Monadnock Humane Society as well as through her business Deep Down Dog Training.   Her dogs have titles in agility, rally obedience, and trick dog.   Her interest is in active sports training for building a great relationship between dogs and their people.  She is a graduate of the Karen Pryor Academy of Animal Training and Behavior, and is a Certified Training Partner.  She is all about positive training and having fun with your dog.

To register, please contact Diane at  


Breeze, Scout & Spryte — gone but inspirations forever
Smidgen & Brill — still teaching me!

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